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Water on Mars

Now that they have found water on Mars and we will go there eventually it bodes well for us Irish.
We will be first up there to build roads and pubs then lay down the cones!
We'll make loads of money,can we keep the French out of there?they will only start moaning again!Also the Germans and the Belgians.Aussies can come if they don't bring any of their beer.Americans will want to bomb Mars first in case Al Quaeeda is there so they are out.
Canadians welcome and those superb Brazilian women.
No Russians/Balkan types but plenty Scandanavians,
Well that's got that sorted.Missed any?
Good thread resurrection, is the internet slow where you are in the Ukraine?

And would the "remains of water" be just a stain?
Good thread resurrection, is the internet slow where you are in the Ukraine?

And would the "remains of water" be just a stain?
We like a good resurrection!!! Means it's near to Easter and the chocolate season!!

Anyway!! Why the spiders go to Mars when you're on a planet 66% covered in the stuff!!!!! Fecking scientists!!! Do anything for a run ashore!!!!